Kindess Day for Kids

I love the word ‘kind’. I feel like that is what I want to raise my children to be - kind. It is all encompassing to me. Kindness implies that they are giving, empathic, helpful, and the list goes on and on.

While it can seem simple, it is sometimes the most simplistic things that are the hardest to teach - especially to a two year old. This year, we will be participating in Kindness Day by picking out a few of the random act of kindness ideas below to do.

sharing is caring and blah blah blah the kid ate my donut

sharing is caring and blah blah blah the kid ate my donut

Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru

Let someone go ahead of you in line

Particpate in whatever donations your grocery store asks you about at checkout

Pick and give flowers to someone

Post anonymous sticky notes with validating or uplifting messages around for people to find

Compliment a stranger

Send an encouraging text to someone

Let a car into the traffic ahead of you

Hold the door open for someone


Write chalk messages on the sidewalk

Donate old clothes

Send happy mail to someone you haven’t seen in awhile

Smile at strangers

Start a Little Free Library

kindness day activities for kids