Birthday Letter Writing Tradition

This week is a bit crazy in our household - we are hosting Thanksgiving and our littlest man is turning one that same day!

Even through all the trips to the store (and back to store), I am looking forward to a few minutes of peace and quiet to work on my favorite first birthday tradition - letter writing.

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First birthday celebrations can easily get out of hand and understandably so - it is a big deal! You kept that tiny person alive for a year! However, instead of getting lost in all the presents and cake, I like to focus my most meaningful energy into a present that my children won’t open for years.

For each child’s first birthday, I request that in loo of a gift (or let’s face it, in addition too, because baby presents are fun!) they bring a letter written to the child to be opened on their 18th birthday. The letter can contain their hopes and dreams, sage advice, or jokes.

The most important thing is that the letters are a symbol of the love that my children have been lucky enough to be surrounded by starting from go. I also love that even if some of their family members pass before their 18th birthday, they will still be able to connect with them at that special time.

Once we collect all the letters from near and far, I put them in a glass shadow box that is kept in their rooms. I love looking at the stacks of letters and thinking what a wonderful life we lead. Nothing could make me more grateful than knowing that my babies are loved by so many.

So as my littlest approaches that one year mark, I’ll dust off his shadow box, grab a box of tissues, and get to writing!

Happy Birthday, sweet Vance. You are truly a gift, and I am honored to be your momma.