How I'm Chilling Out During a Period of Overwhelm


There’s no easy way to do this pandemic. Everything seems harder with the weight of the [health of] the world riding on our shoulders. Within the last two weeks, I have had to make noticeable effort to calm myself when everything just seems too heavy.

Here are 8 ways to help chill out when you need it:

Diversity your podcasts 

I have my all time favorite podcasts, but they all fall into the same genre - true crime.  Not necessarily the most cheerful.  So recently I have been going on some dates with podcasts.  I choose a new one and find an episode that sparks my interest.  I figure that if an episode on a  topic that sounds interesting to me doesn’t leave me wanting a second date, no episode will.  So far I have found new podcasts that fall into these genres - advice, true crime, and comedy and business.  This way, regardless of the mood I’m in, I have something to which I can listen. 

Carve out weekly quiet time

Quiet time is a prized possession when you have kids, so you have to make the most of it.  As I have said many times, we do ‘treat yo self Tuesdays’ so I know that on Tuesdays I can anticipate some ‘me time’.  I make sure that my coziest loungewear and blanket are clean. I’ve also started having warm tea or lemon water as well as a face mask at the ready.  

My husband’s version of quiet time usually includes taking one of the many free courses available currently from Harvard University with a glass of whiskey. 

He’s more Ron Swanson. I’m more Tom Haverford. 


Let me start with an anecdote.  When I was pregnant with my first child, my husband and I took a birthing class that had a segment on breathing during labor.  I literally rolled my eyes through the whole thing, while he mastered the breathing.  I’ve since realized that I’m just stubborn and don’t like being told how to calm myself down.  

I had approached meditation very similarly when it was suggested as a way to tame my anxiety - I truly despise being told how to calm my anxiety by someone who has never felt anxiety in the least bit. But, desperate times call for desperate measures! 

I downloaded several apps for guided meditations and WOW.  I have started taking time mid-day when all my kids are resting to mediate using the free app, Insight Timer.  It has made a difference in the way I react to stressful situations. I also find that once I get up from my session, I am more rested than I would have been had I taken a cat nap. 

If a full guided meditation isn’t realistic, Breathe Mama, Breathe is a great book to read for tips to inject mindful awareness into your day to day movements. 

Have a cocktail 

Ever since one fateful night during my freshman year of college, I have not been a huge drinker.  However, I have rediscovered my love for a good margarita.  I usually only have one every other night or so, but even that little indulgence helps take the edge off once the kids are down for the night.  

If alcohol isn’t your thing, try cigars.  They have an equally relaxing effect (for me at least). 

Make your shower routine more spa like 


Hot showers have always been my escape.  I carry stress in my shoulders.  Letting hot water run on my shoulder is my poor man’s hot tub.  

Some ways to spruce up your shower routine include adding a body scrub, dimming the lights and lighting a candle, using your most fragrant body wash, or hanging eucalyptus from the shower head.  I am also a fan of Ole Henriksen’s Truth Serum after a simple face wash. It smells like a citrus orchard.


There is a noticeable difference in my mood when I don’t get my body moving at least 3-4 times a week.  Recently I have had to diversify my routine as just running 3 miles has started to become monotonous.  I’ve started alternating cardio days and strength focused workouts. 

I use the OrangeTheory Fitness app for my workouts, but I know that YouTube runneth over with options. 

Watch your sugar intake 

I tend to eat my feelings.  I’m not sure if it is the stress of this global pandemic or just the fact that I am getting older, but I feel sugar weighing me down more than ever.  I also notice those physical manifestations lasting for a day or two after my indulgence.  Jury’s still out on if it is worth it.

Find a passion project and make time for it 

When this all first started, I saw plenty of recommendations to start a new hobby that previously seemed impossible. I scoffed, but I get it now.  

Having something that is all yours to excel at is special.  It’s exciting to watch yourself improving.  I have chosen to put more focus more time on my writing and trying new recipes from the oodles of cookbooks that I rarely crack.  I also set a new goal to run a 5k in 30 minutes.  Obviously with a goal like that I am not a runner, but watching my pace improve from one run to the next gives me something to work on. 

And if you’re short on time, here are some instant mood boosters:

Paint your nails or wear perfume (tips on making your mani last)

Limit your media consumption (I only read three headlines.  I am only allowed to consume media from 8am-8pm. It sounds rigid, but if I go beyond that it is a ripple effect. 

Organize something 

Cook something 

Plan a trip for the (distant) future

Go through your phone and look at pictures and videos of your kids

Choose a spot in your house and shop your house to redecorate it