31 Things I've Learned in 31 Years

Happy Quarantine Birthday to me! Honestly, going out and partying is long gone anyway so trapping my family in my house with me is a great gift! Jury’s still out on what they think about that.

Since we’ve been holed up, I have had plenty of time to think. Think about what I like, who I am, and mostly what I am so grateful for. I wanted to share some of those nuggets with you today in honor of the big 3-1.

Your mom is right

No, it’s not just because I am a mom. I can’t tell you how many times I say, “ Huh mom warned me about this.” You don’t have to let her know all the time, but just tuck whatever she says in a back pocket for later.

Make the effort to keep in touch with friends

You won’t realize it when you’re a kid, but those friends who you are so lucky to see everyday are likely going to move away. It’s on you to keep in touch if you want to continue to have their influence in your life. Create a group text now.

Take your vitamins

Everyone’s body is different and absorbs nutrients differently. As you age and especially if you become pregnant, your body will change. Keep taking your vitamins so you at least have a baseline.

Dress how you want to not how everyone else does

I love a good style fad, but you know what I love more? Jean shorts and a tee. So that is what you’ll find me in most of the time.

Study hard

I was a good student. It wasn’t all natural to me, but I worked at it. When I am having a moment of how can I be this dumb, I think back to school and remember I took AP Chem and passed. Barely, but hey!

Be Creative

Write. Draw. Code. Whatever it is, find an outlet to think differently.

Take a course on finances and pay attention

Hopefully, one day kids will learn how to manage finances in school, but until then it is on you.

Don’t quit when you want to

I dabbled in things a lot as a kid - dance, track, math club (what?!). A lot of those things I opted out of after just a short time. In hindsight, I should have pushed harder and seen if I really disliked the activity or if I just disliked having to figure out something new at the risk of looking slow.

Start your skincare routine early

It is the largest organ. Take care of it early to stay ahead of sun damage, wrinkles, etc.

Read more

Still working on this one. I just know that evenings that I end with a book are usually calmer.

Stay active

There are times in your life where the world will seem to be bearing down on you. If you just go for a run outside, it will all come into perspective.

It’s ok to not know your purpose. It will find you.

I lived for 25 years enjoying what I was doing, but never feeling like I had a true calling. Then I had kids and it became clear. For some it might be a job that makes it clear, others it might be a trip. But I’m confident that purpose finds us all when the time is right.

Keep family first

They will come in handy when you have all those kids who need babysitting. Also, they’re pretty ok people.

Don’t compare yourself to others

You’re likely only seeing other people’s highlight reel. Focus on yourself and what you’re capable of.

Lead with kindness

I tell myself this every morning. It is so easy for me to only see the bad, but if I keep repeating this I tend to handle my emotions better.

Not everyone will get your humor

Girl, you funny. If you think so don’t worry if you don’t have the room rolling. Unless that’s your job, then reconsider.

Pay attention to what your body is telling you

I spent years eating scrambled eggs and omelets and not loving them for some reason. They tasted good, but I just wasn’t a fan. I was in college when I finally connected the dots that eggs cooked at a low temperature give me migraines.


The world is a crazy place. If you don’t do your part crazy people will be in charge.

Get an insurance guy

Our insurance industry is uber confusing. There is no way to understand it all. Find someone who you can trust to know the ins and outs.

Drink water

90% of the time when I am feeling off, it is because I’m dehydrated. Chug, girl.

Don’t waste time being timid

I often think that my ideas aren’t good enough. Who cares? What matters is the effort. You’re bound to have a few good ideas. Share them. Make your voice known.

All wine is the same

Get the boxed stuff. Cheaper and tastes the same.

Try to overcome fear

I have a nearly debilitating fear of flying. I know that it has gotten in the way of great adventures. I’m working on it.

Don’t beat yourself up

I am my harshest critic. I think. And overthink. And spin in circles. It just wastes time.

Stay out of the sun

Have I even seen myself before? There’s no hope to tanning this skin. Get familiar with self tanner. Far less likely to give you cancer.

Don’t make assumptions

Speak candidly and ask others to do the same. For most arguments or confrontations, effective communication is the key.

Have confidence

In high school I used to worry so much about my appearance. Now I look back and think DAMN I was cute! I know that 50 year old me will do the same when I look back at me now. So skip the shitty part and just start thinking DAMN I’M CUTE now.


Find a cause that speaks to you and fight for it.

Being a good leader doesn’t make you pushy

When I lead a team, I am 100%. I am organized, scheduled, and persistent. If a man leads the same way, they are praised. Don’t worry if others don’t care for it. Get the job done and let the end result be the proof of your hard work.


I am the master at holding grudges. But it means nothing. It just creates a cloud that follows you and that relationship.


I worry about the world that my children will inherit. I want them to see all the beauty that I have seen, but it starts at home. Take care of the earth and let the kids see you doing it.

Ferris said it best, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”