Dry Shampoo Trials

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Let me start by saying that as a teenager, I would wash my hair multiples times a day.  I don't know why.  And on the rare occassion that I didn't overwash my locks, I was using baby powder as my 'dry shampoo'.  I was always fine with that because I have always been really blond.  Except for that one misguided time when I dyed my hair red.  Anyway, the white baby powder blended fine and the static that I accumulated wasn't a big deal.  

Flash forward ten years and hot dog! There are oodles of options out there.  I've been testing 5 out since early this year - Bumble and Bumble, Living Proof, Amika, Batiste, and Dry Bar.  I ranked them on the following criteria to establish one end-all, be-all for dry shampoo! 







Scent: Pleasantly perfumey. I'd happily smell like that all day.

Oil Absorption: Not great.  I felt like it left me looking like I still had dirty roots if I held it just a bit too close when spraying.

Residue: None

Price Point: $29.00 for 3oz....what?!

Overall: You can put all the pink clay you want in there, I'm not spending that much. 


Scent : Whoa.  Fragrant. My husband actually like the scent, but if I put it on at any time other than right before bed, it will give me a headache.  It smells good, but too much. 

Oil Absorption: Great.  Looked like new again.

Residue: Zero

Price Point: $23.00 for 4oz.  

Overall:  If this was a notch less perfumey and cheaper, I would buy stock.  It is supposed to '"deliver a fresh scent throughout the day," so if your nose is less sensitive and your wallet is fatter, go get it!


Scent: Unoffesive

Oil Absorption: Absorbed.  Not enough for it to work for multiple days in a row.

Residue : None

Price Point:  $25.00 for 5.3oz

Overall: This hurt my nose and head far less than most of the others.  I felt like its performance was just average.  I won't be paying $25 for it, but if its a free sample, I'd go back for more. 


Scent: The most mild

Oil Absorption: Two thumbs up

Residue: Yes, lots

Price Point: $5 for 6.8oz

Synopsis: If you're ok with residue that you have to work in a bit, this is your jam.  I also never feel like I can spray too much because the scent is very mild.  If I need more, I spray more without hesititation.  Which is good. I usually need more. 


Scent : Synthetic, I felt like I was in a dry shampoo factory.

Oil Absorption: Great

Residue: None

Price Point: $23 for 3.5oz

Synopsis: The initial scent is strong, but once you’ve sprayed it it dissipates quickly. Works great, but again expensive.


Here’s what I learned: My hair must really stink when I need dry shampoo. This stuff is pretty much always potent. In terms of oil absorption, all but one (Bumble & Bumble) really brought their A game.

So with oil absorption being relatively consistent, the game changers became scent and price point. I might have a heightened sensitivity to smells post babies, but I think anyone would be on their way to a proper migraine using Living Proof too much.

That brought it down to Batiste, Amika, and Dry Bar. Dry Bar is far more expensive than the other two, and my least favorite scent so they’re out. Being a mother who appreciates a deal and doesn’t have time to make a trip to Sephora frequently, Batiste’s low price point and availability at drug stores, grocery stores, and Amazon make it my winner! I don’t mind rubbing in a bit more residue when it smells so nice and doesn’t put me into debt.

Here is the final ranking:


  2. DRY BAR

  3. AMIKA



Which do you prefer? Got others that I should try? Let me know in the comments!