2020 Gift Guide for Your Baby + Toddler

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Gifts for Baby and Toddler

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20

What are the best baby gifts to give?

Shopping for really little babies is hard. Generally speaking, a useful gift for them would be swaddles or diapers. And parents typically have a preference for their child when it comes to things like that. I have yet to hear a bad thing about the brand of onesie that I included here (#14), hence its exception for this gift guide.

However, I try to stick with things that can pull double duty when I gift things to someone with a baby. By that I mean, toys that double as decor (#12). Or something that can grow with the child (#6).

If you’re not a parent it can be hard to realize the growth that happens in the first year. So while a newborn won’t love a Pottery Barn chair (#11) , they will be climbing all over it in a few months. And then they will mindlessly watch all their shows from that spot.

I also like to gift toys that help develop some sort of skill. For example, #10 helps small babies in their carseats with hand eye coordination. And #9 helps develop their grip.

If you’re gifting more with the parents in mind, consider something that will help when it comes time to clean up (#8) or something to contain their babe while they make dinner or run to the bathroom ( #15) or something to make sure their baby isn’t slipping and sliding all over the tub (#2).

And finally, if you want to go the sentimental route, go with #3, #4, #5, #11, #16 or #7. You can personalize all those gifts.

Here’s the individual run down on each item.


These blocks are perfect for any age. They are soft so pointy edges, and they are easy to wash. Because they will instantly go in the mouth.


For some reason my kids turn into dolphins in the tub and just slide everywhere. This is a great remedy. It can fit in any size tub as the sides extend to fit. And it is easy to clean. Because it will get pooped on.


If you’re lucky enough to have a snuggler, enjoying a book beneath this soft blanket is a dream come true.


My mom has gifted each of my kids a piggy bank when they are really young. I love the lessons that it teaches about saving and earning, and I love how classic they are!


In addition to the piggy bank, each child gets a step stool. They are great once they use the potty and sink and also fun for new movers to climb on!


There is an awkward stage between about 4 months - 6/7 months where the baby is able to hold their head up and sit, but they can’t crawl yet. So popping them in this activity center when you need a minute to do something is a great option. And then as they grow it turns int 2 other kinds of activity tables. Triple-whammy!


Rounding out the trifecta of gifts my mom gives the kids is the growth chart for each child with their name on it. It is fun to watch them grow when they are really young, and then as they get older they ask you to measure them to see how close they are to your height. [pause for tears]


Sometimes we parents get sick of the primary colors. This mat is neutral a beautiful and EASILY CLEANED. Finally, a refined option to the typical play mats.


All my kids (1 - 4.5 yo) currently play with these. They are great for developing a baby’s grip and the characters are fun as the kids get older and recognize them more.


I am of the renegade Rock n Play era. I put this on the Rock n Play and the kids would rock and play [see what I did there?] with this while I made dinner or did my makeup. It can also be attached to carseats, etc. Although most carseats say that anything attached to them is unsafe. So maybe just when they aren’t actually in the car.


A true classic. We’ve gotten one chair for each of my kids, and seeing all three lined up is one of my all time favorite sites. They are durable and washable. And the customization options are endless.


Another option that is great for all ages. My daughter has one of these that isn’t magnetic as decor in her room. But I think an older child would love to try to build different things with this magnetic option. Dual purpose!


All my kids (1 - 4.5 yo) play with these eggs as well. The baby works on her grip and the older boys work on matching and colors. But be aware, these pieces will get momentarily lost! But they always show up eventually!


I have never personally owned anything from Kyte, but I always hear the best things. And they look SO soft. If you’re in the market for someone else (or yourself) they have some women’s options too.


This is a game changer for me. I literally put my one year old in this everyday so that I can make dinner. We’ve got a soft mat underneath it and throw in a bunch of age appropriate toys. It is the perfect size so that she can walk a little and have room to explore but not be roaming the house freely.


In addition to being a cool gift for a preschooler, I could see these being really cool decor in a gender neutral nursery.


I have the old school tree version of this zebra, but the colors and design of this one are great for kids. I always recommend one of these for anyone looking to give a great gift, but they don’t know much about the individual child.


For my daughter’s first birthday, I got us these matching bracelets. I love them. They are stylish, great quality, and well priced. And her’s is so tiny; it is priceless.


You can’t go wrong with a book. Preferably a book that showcases BIPOC and women in roles typically held by men. Break down those barriers!


Stacking cups are another gift that is great for many ages. Babies can get a few cups stacked, but the older kids will love to build towers. And then the baby can knock them down!

A final note

A last word of advice. If any of these don’t seem right, you can never go wrong with a kids book (board book if they’re little) and a coordinating stuffed animal.