Handsfree Hacks

Kids have a lot of stuff.  Stuff to eat. Stuff to put on their butts. Stuff to play with. Stuff to wipe their butts. Stuff to wipe their slobber. Stuff to entertain them. 

Moms also have a lot of stuff.  Stuff to take pictures of your super cute, snowflake bebe.  Stuff to eat. Stuff to drink.  Stuff to occasionally watch Instagram stories on while your kid learns to avoid certain death on the playground. Nope scratch that.  I meant "while your kid learns independence." 

Below are the best products to give you a hand so that you can catch the toddling toddler or prop up your newborn after feeding without mastering the art of juggling. 

1. Loopy Cases

I was never a popsocket person.  I thought they were bulky.  I bought a loopy after I had my second son because I instantly realized how much more I would need to be carrying including those soul suckingly heavy infant car seats.  It slides over your finger when you're on the move without getting in the way. 

2. O Venture Keychain

Have you ever dropped your keys on the floor of the car when you're unhooking a car seat? And then they magically disappear once the kid is free to run into traffic? Yep. 

This keychain slides over your wrist giving you the flexibility to hold them while performing everyday tasks.  It is a bit large, but you get past that once you see how useful it is. 

3. Backpack Diaper Bag

I love a beautiful bag, but the functionality of a backpack diaper bag cannot be beat.  I don't have the time to adjust a bag, push a stroller, wipe drool, and not lose my mind.  I have two - a cute one and another one that can get sunscreen or any other mystery goo all over it.  

4. Apple Watch 

One of the more luxury items on the list, but it has saved my sanity.  Being a Type A scheduler, I have timers going constantly.  Mostly for warming bottles, but I don't have the luxury of standing in the kitchen to wait for it.  I also like that I can see emails and texts come through immediately so that I can determine their urgency without having to check my phone constantly.  And my favorite feature is that the watch will ping your phone when you can't find it - or when your toddler hides it.  Well worth the price tag. 

5. Straws 

If I had a third arm, most of the time I would be giving myself a drink with it.  I fill up a large Yeti with ice water in the morning and leave it on the kitchen island all day.  I pass by to do nearly everything, so each time (whether I've got my hands full of people or laundry) I can bend over and take a swig.  Besides, the whole world is going strawless now anyway.  Join the bandwagon with these stainless, dishwasher safe straws

6. Monitor with a portable screen 

If you're still in the baby monitor stage, you know what a pain it is to lug the screen around while you're getting things done.  Some monitors (like this Project Nursery one that I have and love) comes with a tiny monitor that slips on a watch band or a keychain.  I hook it on, and I can go the same range as the large screen. 

7. Universal Remote

I have one of these sitting in the office that has yet to be synced to our TV (hint, husband, hint), and I can't wait to use it.  We use Amazon TV, Netflix, and cable so we have way too many remotes to keep track of.  This way we only have to deal with one, and only have to hide one from our toddler. 

8. Amazon Alexa

The ultimate handsfree tool.  I don't have one, but my in-laws love theirs.  The kids also love to have conversations with her, so double whammy!